Monsoon Skin Care Tips – 6 Dos & Don’ts to Keep Your Skin Healthy
Different seasons bring forth unique skin problems and it’s vital to make changes in your skincare routine accordingly. A change in the climatic conditions affects the skin and thus calls for a different set of skincare hacks and tips.
The season of monsoon invites humidity, dampness and high level of moisture in the atmosphere. This kind of weather affects the moisture balance of your skin making it dull and oily. It especially impacts the oily and combination skin type leading to repeated acne breakouts. In monsoon season, pollutants are caught by the sweat on your skin and clog the pores making your skin prone to certain skin concerns. Moreover, one needs to be careful of skin infections, allergies and fungus.
Now, it may be clear to you why monsoon season calls for extra care and attention to your skin. Although looking after your skin becomes tricky in these times, it isn’t as time consuming and complicated as it sounds. You just need to take these dos and don’ts into consideration and you’ll be good to go. Yes, the key to a healthy and glowing skin during this sticky, humid climate is that easy!
The Dos –
1. First and foremost, know your skin type
Knowing your skin type will help you find the right skincare products that will cater to your specific needs. For instance, if you have an oily skin type, your skin care products need to oil-free. If the product isn’t suitable for your skin, it won’t be effective, rather it may aggravate your skin concerns or even create new.
2. Wear lightweight moisturizer
Moisturizer is a must for every skin type and every season of the year. If your skin becomes oily during the season of monsoon, make sure you use a non-greasy, gel based or water-based moisturiser to keep it nourished and oil-free.
3. Exfoliate once a week
In monsoon season, a plethora of germs and bacteria can be breeding on your skin. So it’s important to exfoliate with a gentle scrub once a week to remove all toxins, dead skin cells and unclog skin pores. It will also help the skin in absorbing the skincare products better and in increasing the blood circulation.
4. Regular face masks
During this time of the year, your skin needs extra tender care. Applying face masks twice in a week will keep your skin squeaky clean, balance out the moisture and detoxify it. Leave it to the face masks to brighten, balance and purify!
5. Drink sufficient amount of water
In monsoon, you sweat a lot due to which your skin can look dull and pale. Keeping yourself hydrated will help in maintaining a healthy and glowing skin. It will further help in keeping the toxins away that can cause acne and pimples.
6. Use Antifungal product for body
Our skin easily becomes prone to infections in the rainy season. It also becomes moist and damp due to the humidity in the air. For one, stepping into puddles and dirty water can cause infections in the feet. Due to all these reasons, it is essential to dust some antifungal powder on your body every day during this season, especially on the folds of your skin.
The Don’ts –
1. Don’t Skip Sunscreen
Majority of the people believe that it is unnecessary to wear sunscreen when its cloudy but that’s not true. Sun’s harmful UV rays penetrate through clouds and harm your skin. In fact, they are also present inside your house. So, it’s important to wear sunscreen. If your sunscreen is making your skin oily, it’s time you switch to a non-oily or gel-based sunscreen.
2. Don’t Over-Exfoliate
This is a common mistake that people do. Exfoliating more than twice a week can cause breakouts, create tiny cracks in the skin barrier leading to dryness and inflammation. Over exfoliating can perhaps cause the opposite reaction of what you were hoping for.
3. Do not avoid your lips
Don’t forget scrubbing your lips, moisturizing them and applying SPF on them. This will help to peel off dry flakes and retain moisture.
4. Don’t forget your scalp
Scalp is also a part of our skin so it is also affected by the changes in the climatic conditions. The months of monsoon are infused with the periods of heat and humidity that disturbs the PH balance of the scalp leading to hair loss and, flaky and irritated scalp. Cleaning your scalp properly and regularly with a nourishing shampoo helps in getting rid of a dry scalp, avoiding breakage, and it makes your hair manageable and gorgeous looking.
5. Don’t forget your neck
People who practise skincare everyday also tend to make a mistake when it comes to this. The skincare products that you use on your face, including facewash, moisturiser, sunscreen and others should also be spread across your neck.
6. Don’t wear imitation jewellery
Avoid wearing imitation or artificial jewellery in monsoon. It can provoke rashes and discoloration because of the metal reacting with the sweat. Wearing such kind of jewellery on a humid day can even trigger breakouts and other concerns if you have a sensitive skin.
On A Final Note
By incorporating these dos and don’ts you will be able to prevent many skin concerns and infections that are common in monsoon and gain soft, clear, and youthful skin.
However, wouldn’t it be nice to have a skincare regime personalized for you and your unique skin? At Musk Clinic, our experts can help just with that and in many other ways, after getting a close look at your skin till its deepest layer uncovering the concerns peculiar to your skin. In addition to that, we provide skin treatments and procedures that can rejuvenate your skin and revitalize it, giving you an extra dose of confidence.
- Skin Care