Home Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant

What Is Body Hair Transplantation?

Most people would know that hair from the scalp is generally used for transplantation purposes. Unfortunately in some patients, there isn’t enough hair on the scalp to use as donors. In such cases, it is advised to transplant body hair, as they are very similar to scalp hair in structure and quality. In these cases, hair is taken from the legs, arms, stomach, chest, back, armpits and even the face. This is the most conducive option for patients who have a high amount of body hair. Body hair is removed using the FUE technique thus leaving no linear scar. The grafts are then implanted in the same way as grafts of scalp hair. This extended donor area is used to increase the overall hair density or to fill in a crown area. However, body hair transplantation is not advised in case of a full hair reconstruction or to restore the patient’s hairline. Also, patients wanting to undergo this treatment need to be aware that this line of treatment is a last-resort attempt as chances of success are not foreseeable. There is also some debate on how the body hair reacts to being transplanted. In some cases, they do become longer and straighter but due to the lack of experience and know-how, BHT should be seen as the last-resort method for improving an existing situation.


When placing is complete, the position of all of the grafts will be double-checked. The post-op instructions will be explained and a printed copy will be given to you to take home. This will include the doctor’s cell phone number. A tennis bandage is placed around the scalp to cover the donor area and a baseball cap or bandanna is worn home. No bandages or dressings are required on the transplanted area and all dressings can be removed the following morning or day after. Throughout the procedure and afterwards, Dr Shah and our highly-trained staff will answer your questions and take care to help you feel comfortable.

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